Dormitory accommodation, floor accommodation and camping & caravan (campers, campervans and tent places) accommodation for the Kainuu Orienteering Week.


Floor accommodation in the Kainuu Orienteering Week 2023 Event Centre (Piilola).

Event Centre floor accommodation (Piilola) - WILL NOT BE ORGANIZED

We are surveying the need for floor accommodation in Kuhmo Kainuu for Rastiviik 2-7 July 2023 with a survey. Floor accommodation will be arranged if there is enough willingness. The survey is open until February 28, 2023, after which we will make a decision on the implementation of floor accommodation. You can find more detailed information about possible floor accommodation in the survey. Through the following survey, you can indicate your willingness to book floor accommodation. 

The survey response time has ended.

Location: Piilolantie 47, 88900 Kuhmo is located in the KOW Event Centre about 1 km from Kuhmo city centre.

More information: accommodation@rastiviikko.fi, +358 44 512 3517



Kainuu Orienteering Week provides dormitory accommodation in the Kainuu O Week's Event Centre (Kuhmo, Piilola).

Event Centre dormitory accommodation (Piilola) - FULL

Rooms: 2 person rooms with basic furnitures -> beds, duvet and pillow, tables, chairs (own refriderator is in some rooms)
Shared living room (with TV), kitchen (with refridgerator, cooker, microwave) and shower and toilet.
In addition, laundry facilities and sauna (sauna shifts for women and men in the evenings).

Locations: Piilolantie 47, 88900 Kuhmo is located in the KOW Event Centre about 1 km from Kuhmo city centre. 


- 2 person room  25€/person/day

- 2 person room for one person 50€/person/day

NOTE! The remaining rooms can be reserved for bookings starting on or after July 2, 2023.

More information: accommodation@rastiviikko.fi, 044-512 3517

Booking: by email accommodation@rastiviikko.fi
In the booking/reservation email please inform the following information:

  • your contact information (email and phone number) 
  • acoommodation period
  • accommodating persons (amount of the persons and names)
  • if you want to reserve accommodation for one person only, please inform do you want to reserve room of your own or are you able to share room with a room mate (same gender)

Booking conditions can be found here.

More photos coming soon.



Kainuu Orienteering Week 2023 camping and caravan accommodation (including campervans, caravan and tent places) is adjacent to KOW Event Centre in Kuhmo's sport centre (Urheilukeskus, Piilola)


Event Centre camping and caravan

Kainuu Orienteering Week 2023 provides camping and caravan accommodation (including campervans, caravan and tent places) in Kuhmo's sport centre (Urheilukeskus, Piilola) and in KOW Event Centre.

For the camping and caravan places shower and toilets are in use in the Kuhmo sport centre and in the Kuhmo oppimiskeskus (KOW Event Centre). The facilities of Kuhmo oppimiskeskus are available during the opening hours of the KOW-info of the Event Centre.

- Kuhmo sport centre (campervans, caravan and tent places): Martinpolku 4, 88900 Kuhmo
- KOW Event Centre, Piilola (only campervans and caravan): Piilolantie 47, 88900 Kuhmo


- Campervan or caravan with electricity: 25 € / day 

- Tent place: 10 € / day

More information: accommodation@rastiviikko.fi, +358 44 512 3517

Booking: by email accommodation@rastiviikko.fi
In the booking/reservation email please inform the following information:

  • your contact information (email and phone number) 
  • reserved place (camper, caravan+car or tent)
  • acoommodation period
  • accommodating persons (amount of the persons and names)

Booking conditions can be found here.


Other accommodation in Kuhmo

See other accommodation in Kuhmo from here.

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