Give feedback on new webpages!
Published: 15.02.2021
Kainuu Orienteering Week has renewed its website ( as part of the Kainuun Rastiviikko digital time project. The new webpages has been published on February 10, 2021.
We hope that you would be able to answer in few questions and give us feedback about these new pages. We will develop our pages by using your answers and ideas.
Answering into a feedback questionnaire will take about 5 minutes. Feedback questionnaire is open until 9th March 2021.
You can answer the questionnaire here.
If you want to participate in a raffle, please leave your contact information in the end of questionnaire. We will raffle one (1) Kainuu O-Week&Noname product package on 10th of March 2021. Winner will be informed personally.