The 53rd Kainuu Orienteering Week 4 − 9 July 2021, Haverinen, Suomussalmi, Finland Competition Invitation


We have had to take the corona situation into account in the arrangements for the orienteering week, which is why all the things mentioned in the invitation to the competition are no longer true. You can find up-to-date information for the competitors/orienteers of the orienteering week in the competition instructions.

Competition rules

The competition will be held according to the rules of the Finnish Orienteering Association and rules given by organizer.


Date Time Event Place
Sun 4.7. 13.00 1st stage Competition Centre Haverinen
Mon 5.7.           

Day off

KOW Opening ceremony and 1st stage prize-giving ceremony

Open sprint orienteering event

Event Centre             

Event Centre
Tue 6.7. 11.00 2nd stage Competition Centre Haverinen
Wed 7.7.  

Day off

Hossa National Park (some other things to do)

Hossa National Park
Thu 8.7. 11.00


3rd stage

2nd and 3rd stage prize-giving ceremony

Competition Centre Haverinen
Event Centre
Fri 9.7. 10.00


4th stage 

Prize ceremony for overall winners

Competition Centre Haverinen
Competition Centre Haverinen

In the H/D16-21E categories there will be a pursuit on the last competition day (4th stage)

Preliminary categories and distances

The table below shows the preliminary distances for different categories. 

NOTICE! On the3rd stage distances are about 70% comparing to 1st, 2nd and 4th stage distances.

H21E 10.0
D21E 7.0
H20E 8.0
D20E 5.5
H18E 7.5
D18E 5.5
H16E 6.0
D16E 5.0
H21A 9.5
H21AL 6.5
H21B 6.0
H35A 8.7
H35AL 5.7
H40A 8.0
H40AL 5.5
H45A 7.2
H45AL 5.0
H50A 6.7
H50AL 4.7
H55A 6.0
H55AL 4.2
H60A 5.5
H60AL 4.0
H65A 5.0
H65AL 3.8
H70A 4.2
H70AL 3.5
H75 3.5
H80 3.0
H85 2.3
H90 2.3
H95 2.3
H17-20B 6.0
H16B 4.7
H14A 4.0
H13-14B 3.5
H13A 3.5
H12 3.0
H12TR 2.5
H10RR 2.5
H9RR 2.5
H8RR 1.7
D21A 5.8
D21AL 4.2
D21B 4.7
D35A 5.8
D35B 4.7
D40A 5.0
D40B 4.2
D45A 4.7
D45B 4.0
D50A 4.0
D50B 3.3
D55A 4.0
D55B 3.3
D60A 3.5
D60B 3.0
D65A 3.5
D65B 3.0
D70 2.3
D75 2.3
D80 2.3
D17-20B 4.5
D16B 4.0
D14A 4.0
D13-14B 3.5
D13A 3.5
D12 3.0
D12TR 2.5
D10RR 2.5
D9RR 2.5
D8RR 1.7
Open Orienteering  
OPEN A-Long 7.5
OPEN A-Shorts 4.5
OPEN A 1:7500 4.3
OPEN B-Long 6.0
OPEN B-Short 4.0
OPEN B 1:7500 3.8
OPEN C-ultra 10.0
OPEN C-Long 4.5
OPEN C-Short 2.5



All entries to competition categories must be made before 31st May 2021 by 23:59.

1. By using the IRMA service

2. Entries from abroad, use the IRMA service or Email:

The following information is required in entries made via email: name, year of birth, emit card number, country, category, and the number of competition days (1,2,3,4). An invoice is sent to you. By paying the sum of the invoice to the Kainuu Orienteering Weeks bank account your entry will be valid.

If you have any problems with registration/entry, please contact

Details of registration and registered competitors can be found in the IRMA service.

Late entry and registration (with higher participation fees) must be made before 14th June 2021 by 23.59 directly to the IRMA service or via email to our competition office.

Participation fees

Participation fees are as follows:

By 30th November 2019: 

Elite (H/D 16-21E) €90 / week €25 / day
H/D 8-16 €50 / week €15 / day
Other €80 / week €22 / day


By 28th February 2021:

Elite (H/D 16-21E) €100 / week €28 / day
H/D 8-16 €55 / week €16 / day
Other €90 / week €25 / day


By 31st May 2021:

Elite (H/D 16-21E) €115 / week €32 / day
H/D 8-16 €60 / week €17 / day
Other €105 / week €30 / day


Late entry by 14th June 2021:

Elite (H/D 16-21E) €160 / week €45 / day
H/D 8-16 €75 / week €22 / day
Other €150 / week €40 / day

The entry / registration fee has to be paid during registration process in the IRMA service. The registration is only accepted after the registration fee has been paid.  



1) Pre-registration

Using the Rastilippu-service ( by 8th June 2020. Instructions for the using of Rastilippu-service can be found from The pre-registration is only possible for the whole week. 

Pre-registration participation fees

By 30th November 2019:

Open courses €49 /week
Open (under 14-year-olds) €29 /week
Open/Family-RR*  €29 /week


By 28th February 2021:

Open courses €54 /week
Open (under 14-year-olds) €34 /week
Open/Family-RR*  €34 /week


By 31st May 2021:

Open courses €59 /week
Open (under 14-year-olds) €39 /week
Open/Family-RR*  €39 /week


Late entry by 14th June 2021:

Open courses €64 /week
Open (under 14-year-olds) €44 /week
Open/Family-RR*  €44 /week

*Includes maps for the whole family and one emit card.

Pre-registrations (with own emit card): Pick up your competition number at the Competition Centre adjacent to the Open Courses info and go directly to the start line. You do not need to visit the Open Courses info. 

Pre-registrations (with a rental emit card): Go to the Open Courses info (information point for open categories, “pre-registration” stand) where you will receive your competition number and a rental emit card.

2) On-site registration

By using the Rastilippu-service
Registeration by using the Rastilippu-service during 15th of June - 9th of July 2021.
Notice! It´s not possible to enter by using the Rastilippu to the following categories:
- Open (under 14-year-old)
- Open/Family-RR

In the competition centre´s open courses info
Registeration is possible on-site during 4th of June - 9th of July.

Participation fees for on-site registration:

Open courses €70 / week €20 / day
Open (under 14-year-olds) €50 / week €15 / day
Open/Family-RR* €50 / week €15 / day

*Includes maps for the whole family and one emit card.

Notice! If you don´t use the Rastilippu-service: an entry form to open courses can be downloaded on our webpage: When making the entry on-site you can print and fill in the entry form in advance, so when you arrive to the Competition Centre your visit to the Open Courses info is quicker.


NOTE!  Before registering, read the cancellation and terms of changes on our website: → 2021 → Entry

If a competitor cancels a participation before 31st May 2021 the registration fee will be returned. For more information, visit our website. 

If a competitor cancels a participation after 31st May 2021, 50% of the registration fee will be returned in case of illness or injury. A statement from a doctor is required. 

Category changes can be made free of charge until 31st May 2021. After 31st May 2020 there will be a €10 fee. If a competitor changes the category, the participation fees will be invoiced based on the charges of the first competition entry category.

Other expenses concerning changes of categories during 1st - 3rd July 2021:
See the detailed terms of cancellations on our webpage.

Change of category is not possible after 3rd July 2021.

Number changes of emit cards are free until 31st May 2021.
You can change the emit card number using the IRMA service until 31st May or by informing our office ( about the change.

Competition categories: Starting from 15th June, a change of the emit card number can be only made via email (, and there will be a office fee €10. (Note! A change of the emit number only via email).

Open courses: Changes of the emit card number must be informed latest 14th of June 2021 to the office Changes after this date must be made on-site at the Open Courses info.

Notice! In the Rastilippu-service its not possible to change the emit card number after registration.

If you don´t know your emit card number on which you are about to orienteer during the Kainuu Orienteering Week - then do as follows: When you are doing the registration in Rastilippu - choose the option “I use rental card given by the organizer or I don´t use emit card at all”. In this case you must take care to inform your emit card number latest 14th of June 2021 in to our competition office

If you have any questions about the entry, participation, participation fees, cancellations etc., please contact the Competition Office: , tel.: +358 44 512 3517

See the detailed terms of cancellations on our webpage.


Emit punching system

The emit punching system will be used in every category of the Kainuu Orienteering Week (KOW). If you have your own emit card, the number of the card must be given as you register. Organizers will reserve rental emit cards for those who do not have their own card. The rental of the emit card is €5 per day or €15 per week. The rented emit cards can be picked up from the KOW Info at the Competition Centre. The rent must be paid on-site, if it is not already paid. For open courses, the emit card rental is available at the Open Courses info at the Competition Centre. If a participant does not return the emit card, we will charge a fee of €80 per card.

Every participant must use valid emit card when orienteering in Kainuu Orienteering Week (also in open courses). If the participant don´t have the emit card (which number is informed to the result service) with him/herself when arriving to start area, it´s not possible to start (and go to the terrain).

GPS tracking

H/D16-21E categories, competitors may have to use a GPS tracking device.



Competition terrain is very suitable for all categories and perfect for running. Orienteers will be running in the fast and beautiful moor terrain of Haverinen. In certain areas the curves are with small features. The forest consists almost exclusively of pine forest of varying ages. The visibility is mostly excellent, in some seedling areas slightly poorer. Ground is solid and clean; it is not stony. One river (Varisjoki), a few mires and ponds bring their own contribution to the orienteering tasks and landscape. The area near the competition centre has a comprehensive trail network.

We offer several different kind of tracks and themes for the tracks starting from long distance to more like middle distance.

Maps are done by Mapline Oy, which was also the mapper company of WOC&KOW2013.


Scale 1:10 000, colour printout 6/2021.
Scale 1:7 500 (in the senior categories).
The maps have plastic covers.
Mapping: Mapline Oy / Pasi Jokelainen, Jarmo Pikkarainen, Matti Kivelä and Pekka Hiltunen.


There will be five different start areas. Distances from the Competition Centre to the start areas are between 500−3000 metres. The way to each start area is marked with plastic line.

Start list

The start list can be found at in week 24.


There will be money prizes for overall winners in categories H/D21E as follows:
1. €2,500
2. €1,250
3. €750

In each category, 1-3 competitors are awarded according to overall standings and the number of participants in each category. Prizes are products and gift tokens.

Stage winners are awarded in stages 1,2 and 3.

Every participant of KOW will be awarded with a memorial token. Additionally, in categories H/D8-10 RR and Open/Family-RR there will be a participation price for every participant.

In open courses (A, B, C and Open/Family-RR) one prize in each category is raffled each day.

20th, 30th, 40th and 50th anniversary medals

All orienteers participating the Kainuu Orienteering Week for the 20th, 30th, 40th or 50th time, please inform us and leave your contact information at our office ( by 31st May 2021 so that we can reserve enough anniversary medals for everyone.

Event Centre

The KOW Event Centre is located in the Tourist Office of Suomussalmi. The precise location is Jalonkaarre 5, 89600 Suomussalmi.


Competition Centre (Haverinen)

The Haverinen Competition Centre is about 5km to the west of Suomussalmi (Road 892). The navigating address is Haverisentie 7, 89600 Suomussalmi.

In the Competition Centre, we have several services, for example a restaurant and cafés, orienteering and sport shops, a children’s day care facility Muksula and a day care for dogs. Showers and toilets are also available. Clubs can set up their tents on Saturday 3th June after 15:00. 


Children’s’ day care (Muksula)

Muksula is intended for pre-school-aged children and it is open each competition day. Please do not bring a sick child (fever, stomach flu, etc.) to Muksula. The children who are not pre-registered can be only admitted to day care if there is free space!

Pre-registration is possible until 28th June 2021 at €5 per day per child. Registration during the event costs €10 per day per child.

Information required for the registration is found at

Adventure track (Rastiralli)

In the Competition Centre there is an adventure track for kids under the age of 7.
Prices for the adventure track are: €4 per day and €12 per week.

KOW Info (competition office and information)

The KOW Info is located at the Event and Competition Centres. During the competition days the KOW Info is open at the Competition Centre. Detailed opening hours for the KOW Info will be released in the spring of 2020 in the competition instructions and on our webpage.

Training possibilities

Training is possible with different maps in Suomussalmi, Puolanka and other areas of Kainuu. Training maps and bundles can be bought beforehand on the websites and also at the KOW Info. Training bundles can be bought at in may 2021.


See our webpage at -> 2021 -> accommodation.

Guiding posts

Guidance to the Event Centre, Competition Centre and to parking areas start from the following places:
- South of Suomussalmi: from the road 5 about 5 km before Suomussalmi
- North of Suomussalmi: from the road 5 about 8 km before Suomussalmi
- West of Suomussalmi: Guidance on road 892, about 10 km before Suomussalmi

The guiding posts will be placed on friday 2nd of July 2021 at 15:00.
The address of the Competition Centre is: Haverisentie 7, 89600 Suomussalmi.

Arriving and parking

Some of the parking areas are located 100-1000 metres from the Competition Centre. From the parking areas a little more further (1,5-2,5 km) we will have non-stop bus transportation to the Competition Centre. 

Parking display tickets
Parking display tickets will be checked when leaving the parking area. A parking display ticket can be purchased from the KOW Info at the Event Centre or Competition Centre. You can also purchase the display ticket when leaving the parking area − in which case only cash is accepted.

We strongly recommend you to purchase your display ticket in advance so you do not have to wait when you are leaving the parking area.
P5 City centre / Event Centre → see the bus transportation ticket prices
P4 Caravan €40 / week, €12 / day
P3-P4 Public €35 / week, €10 / day
P2 Family parking €35 / week, €10 / day (in advance only weekly ticket on sale)
P1 VIP parking €60 / week (only week ticket)

P5 City centre / Event Centre parking area is near the centre of Suomussalmi from where there is a bus transportation straight to the Competition Centre. The transportation takes about 10 minutes.

P3-P4 parking areas are about 0,1−2,5 km away from the Competition Centre. From the parking areas a little more further (1,5-2,5 km) we will have non-stop bus transportation to the Competition Centre.

P2 family parking area is about 0,7 km away from the Competition Centre. Family parking is for families with children and the space is limited. Family parking display tickets may be purchased in advance at KOW-webstore or on the spot if tickets remain on sale.

P1 VIP parking is about 100 m away from the Competition Centre. The space in the VIP parking is available for all participants for KOW, however the space is limited. The VIP parking display tickets may be purchased in advance at KOW-webstore.

Further information on arriving and parking is later available on our webpage

Bus transportation

There will be a return bus service between the Event Centre (Suomussalmi) − Competition Centre. Ticket prices, timetables and routes can be found in the competition information and at 


Competition Manager: Pirjo Neuvonen,, tel. +358 44 761 3886
Secretary General (marketing/sponsors): Jukka Liuha,, +358 44 7679 533
Media: Jukka Liuha,, +358 44 7679 533
Course setters: Jari Anttonen and Eija Aarnio
Technical Advisor (TA): Petri Karjalainen, SSL / SK Pohjantähti
Course Advisor: Arto Haverinen (KaSu) and Petteri Haikola (KaSu)
Organizing Club: Suomussalmen Rasti ry

Competition Office from 1st Oct 2019 Accommodation Office from 1st Oct 2019
Ketunpolku 1, 87100 Kajaani +358 44 512 3517
+358 44 512 3517


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