Kainuu Orienteering Week 2023 and the competition area Jämäsvaara offers a truly memorable terrain, in a Kainuu way. In the northern part lies the exquisite Jämäsvaara recreational forest area, which is a part of the Natura 2000 network. The area consists of three hills, which include over 170-year-old forests in natural state. The forests feature stunted and rugged cliffs and dells filled with old spruces. A diverse, pristine marshland will certainly give the orienteers a sense of being in the wilderness.

The competition centre is located at Riihikangas, which has a hard terrain accompanied by kettle holes. A spectacular shoal Alanteensärkkä, stretching over several kilometers, dominates the scenery and is surrounded by numerous ponds. All in all, the terrain is a versatile combination of industrial forests and a nature conservation area.

In course planning, we aim to utilize the best and the most attractive parts of the terrain in all classes. During the 2nd and 3rd stages the remote finish will be used in some categories - aiming to provide the most brilliant orienteering experiences for the most of the Kainuu O Week categories. 



Scale 1:10 000, colour printout 6/2023. Scale 1:7500 is used in older age categories. Maps are in plastic cover. Mapping: Mapline Oy / Rauno Asikainen, Pekka Hiltunen, Joni Korhonen, Jarmo Pikkarainen ja Pasi Jokelainen.



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